About the Artist
(the short version)
Erik Johnson-Scherger is a forward-looking violinist and violist, happily based in Ottawa, Ontario. As a performer, he is a genre-defying chamber-musician at home in liminal space. As a pedagogue, he believes strongly in helping his students self actualize by connecting to and developing their own musical voice, and by creating an audiation-centred framework for effortless physical execution.
Erik is grateful to have played a diverse array of venues - from art galleries and local festivals all the way to Massey Hall and the National Arts Centre - and maintains an active performing schedule as a member of Musk Ox, Side-Eye & Grace, Norteno, Phosphor String Duo, Ensemble Allure, and Lost Pines Duo. His teaching practice includes positions at Carleton University and SuzukiMusic, in addition to a healthy private studio. When not at work, you can usually find Erik experimenting with cookie recipes, playing with his cat Tofu, running TTRPG games, and practicing historical longsword fencing.